We BELIEVE that all people have the capacity to be “creators of their own lives.”
Our VISION is of a world filled with joyful, positive people who have taken charge of their own lives, who value themselves as worthy and capable, who practice personal and social responsibility, who interact nonviolently and compassionately with themselves and others, who value life within and around them with equal respect and dignity, who live with honor and integrity, and who are in the process of “creating their own lives” by making “choices” that are consistent with their stated BELIEFS and that generate a culture of personal and social responsibility in the world.
Our MISSION is to create and share resources that help bring personal and social responsibility to the forefront of our thinking for our own lives and for our Planet.
Come share with us in creating a better world.
Blessings, Love, Joy, and Peace to ALL!!!!
Bradley and Cathy Winch
Bradley L. Winch, PhD, JD, MinSP, is the Founder of The B. L. Winch Group, Inc., which does business as Personhood Press and Jalmar Press. Cathy is the CEO, President, and Publisher. Bradley started the original publishing company in 1971 based on his belief that we are all more capable, more loving, more joyful, and more peaceful than we ever imagined. His thinking was that we just needed to find a way to let these qualities emerge and become ingrained into our lives. To Bradley, that meant providing resources that motivated people to make “choices” in their own lives that led to them being more capable, more loving, more joyful, and more peaceful. And remembering that it isn’t what happens to us that determines the quality or our lives. Rather it is what we do with what happens to us, always remembering that the “choice” is always ours and no one else’s.
In 1979 Bradley acquired Jalmar Press, already famous for its Transactional Analysis Series of books (TA for TOTS, TA for KIDS, TA for TEENS, and The Original Warm Fuzzy Tale). These well known books were followed by other great titles such as: Unicorns Are Real: A Right-Brained Approach to Learning, Learning the Skills of Peacemaking, Open Mind/Whole Mind: Parenting and Teaching Tomorrows Children Today, and The Learning Revolution, a book that took the world by storm, selling over 10,000,000 copies in over 26 different languages.
Jalmar Press developed, published and distributed mainly activity-driven books to help children, especially students, K-12, develop social, emotional and ethical skills. Their titles became mainstays for School Counselors across the globe. Many of the Jalmar Press titles are still available today on this website.
In 1998 Bradley was joined in the publishing business by Cathy (they married in 1999 to become a permanent team) and soon thereafter they founded Personhood Press: “Books for all that you ARE!”