Getting Along: Social Skills Activities for Middle and High School Students

by Dianne Schilling

For students to truly get along they have to develop self-awareness, undertake responsibility for their actions, accept and appreciate differences in others, listen with empathy and understanding, communicate their thoughts and feelings accurately and assertively, include others in their activities, be open to divergent styles and points of view, work together to solve problems and complete projects, and peacefully resolve conflicts.  What’s more, they have to be conscious that they are doing these things and be able to verbalize the reasons and benefits.

The high-impact group-counseling activities in Getting Along are designed to address these skills in a deliberate, enjoyable fashion and, in the process, elevate the awareness of students to the responsibility that each has to make the classroom or school a cooperative environment where everyone is included and interdependent and where dissent and conflict are dealt with productively. 

  • ISBN: 9781564990662
  • Pub date: 2011, Innerchoice Publishing
  • Grades 6-12
  • 8-1/2 x 11
  • 128 Pages
  • Languages Sold:  All languages available